Track the carbon footprint of your city

How can we improve what we can't measure? MyCityCO2, a free and open-source tool for monitoring the carbon footprints of the 35,000 French cities, serving the fight against climate change.


French municipalities analyzed, representing 100% of municipalities

232 kgCO2eq/cap

Average carbon footprint generated by French cities

24 %

of cities comply with the National Low Carbon Strategy (SNBC) aiming to reduce emissions by 40% by 2030

Adopt a free, transparent tool validated by experts

1st carbon footprint tool for local authorities

From the smallest French municipality to the capital, MyCityCO2 is the first tool that allows you to consult the carbon footprint of any French city historically over the past 7 years

greenhouse gas emissions of one's municipality
the reduction of carbon footprint year after year
to achieving the objectives defined by the National Low Carbon Strategy (SNBC), France's roadmap to comply with the Paris Agreement
the results of one's municipality with acquaintances

Ready to go further?

Access detailed data of your city and identify emission reduction opportunities to achieve the goals set by the Paris Agreement and implemented in France by the National Low Carbon Strategy (SNBC)